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Coding Guidelines


  • Don't use capital letters in branch names, see
  • We use a four-eye principle for merging. Create a merge request in gitlab and ask another developer to approve the changes.
  • The pipeline for your merge request must run wthout any error
  • Try to keep the lifetime of your branch as short as possible. We don't want branches to exists for years.
  • Ideally a branch addresses on feature or bug. This makes it easier to test and review.
  • The merge request should explain the changes and link to an issue where applicable.


  • In general use python version 3.6.9
  • comply with the PEP8 standard
  • the executable main file should be named
  • Bonus: add a help message, which can be shown via -h or --help argument
  • add a to each python project, which describes what the purpose of the project is and how to use the project
  • recommended: some examples how to use it

Some code guidelines can be automatically enforced with an .editorconfig file ( if the used editor or IDE supports this.


The following command lists all *.cpp-files with non trivial encoding, i.e., they might contain some special characters:

/bin/find . -type f -name *.cpp -exec file --mime-encoding {} \; | grep -v us-ascii
All files should be in utf-8 encoding but should only use ascii characters.

Tabs vs. Spaces

No tab characters should be used. Instead we should use always 4 spaces.

Brace Formatting

In C++ braces should always be like that:

int myFunction(const Vector2d& v) {
  return 2;

Module Conventions