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Training Deep Learning Models

We strive to make our work as reproducible as possible. Thus we established the following rules for developing deep learning models within our team:

  • when training on shared infrastructure make sure you don't use all the resources
  • when training on shared infrastructure please train your models inside docker containers
  • connect your training with our MLFlow instance
  • the code for your training should be in our repo:
  • datasets used for training should be published to
  • trained models should be published at

Train Models inside docker


TODO: fix user permissions, add restrictions for cpu, how to train headless? TODO: setting a user gives a weird error, that perhaps can be ignored

As an example we show how you can train a tensorflow model: Lets assume you have the following folder structure inside the deepl learning repo:

├── my_cool_dataset.pkl
cd inside the ball_detection_tf folder and run

docker run  -it --privileged -v ${PWD}:/mycode -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --cpuset-cpus="0-3" --ipc host -w /mycode tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu /bin/bash
or if you don't have a GPU available run
docker run  -it --privileged -v ${PWD}:/mycode --cpuset-cpus="0-3" --gpus all --ipc host -w /mycode tensorflow/tensorflow:latest /bin/bash
after that you will have a bash shell inside the container. The current path on your machine is mount at /mycode. Typing ls should give you:

Now you can run your python script normally.