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Joining the team

We are always happy to welcome new members in our team. You don't need to be a HU student. For HU students there is also the possibility of doing your diploma/master-thesis or student research project (“Studienarbeit”) at our working group.

If you are interested to join please contact us via email or come directly to our lab. You can find our contact infos on our website

The team communication happens via slack. You can automatically join with an email address at If you don't have one of those email accounts of want to use another one we have to manually approve you. In this case send us an email. We have weekly zoom meetings. If you want to participate ask us for the link via email or slack. The day and time changes every semester. Please have a look at the website for the current dates.


The development happens on the universities gitlab Server ( You can login with your CMS credentials or register as an external user. To join our gitlab group send us your gitlab user name.

A lot of our code is also publicly available at This is mostly read only except forked projects.