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Setup code from other teams

There are a couple of code releases that might be interesting to setup for experiments. This is a guide on how to do this.

TODO: explain the multiple repositories and give an overview on how they are connected

HTWK Motion Library

Since we don't currently have crosscompiler that supports C++17 we have to setup the ubuntu image on the nao and compile the library there. A guide on how to setup the ubuntu image can be found at TODO.

On the Nao:
- install git, cmake, g++, unzip
- clone the HTWK repo
- get eigen wget
- unzip the archive and copy the Eigen subfolder to HWTKMotion/eigen - inside the HTWKMotion folder excute: mkdir build && cd build - cmake ../ - cmake --build .

you end up with a libWalkingEngine.a

BHuman Coderelease 2020


Compiling Code for the robot via other means

Sometimes you want/need to compile something for the robot and not incorporate that into our premake builds. Usually those things are libraries that come with the cmake build system.

Minimal cmake example

TODO: what about sysroot? You can compile this helloworld.cpp


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
   std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
   return 0;
using the CMakeLists.txt file
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)


SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER <path to linuxtoolchain repo>/toolchain_nao/compiler/bin/i686-berlinunited-linux-gnu-gcc)
SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER <path to linuxtoolchain repo>/toolchain_nao/compiler/bin/i686-berlinunited-linux-gnu-g++)

project (hello)
add_executable(hello helloworld.cpp)
to compile it run:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build .