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Some explanations of commons tasks we do with RobotControl.


  • explain some implementation details (java fx, debug communication, netbeans specific stuff, gradle)
  • move and expand rc module documentation from team report
  • TODO: add note about alias in bashrc for gradle run/build naoscp

View Teamcommlogs in Robotcontrol

In RobotControl open the TeamCommLogViewer Dialog and open a teamcomm logfile. Open a teamcomm log file

Open the FieldViewer and the TeamCommViewer FX Dialogs next to each other. In the FieldViewer click on the log button and then in the TeamCommViewer Click on the Listen to TeamComm button. The order here is important. SetupFieldViewer Switch back to the TeamCommLogViewer and click on the play button. You then see the message content of the current message on the left and on the right you can see the robots positions on the field. Note that those positions are as the robots report it. So they show localization errors. Open a teamcomm log file