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An appropriate architecture is the base of each successful software project. It enables a group of developers to work at the same project and to organize the solutions for their particular research questions. From this point of view, the artificial intelligence and/or robotics related research projects are usually more complicated than commercial product development, since the actual result of the project is often not clear. Since we use this project also in education, a clear organization of the software is necessary to achieve a fast familiarization with the software. Our software architecture is organized with the main focus on modularity, easy usage, transparency and convenient testing capabilities.

In the following subsections we describe the design and the implementation of different parts of the architecture. A detailed description of the principles we used can also be found in [@Mellmann2010b].


In our architecture we don't use the NAOqi API directly but use our own so-called NaoSMAL (Nao Shared Memory Abstraction Layer) NAOqi-module. This calls the DCM API of NAOqi and makes it accessible for other processes via a shared memory interface. Thus we can implement our own code as a completely separated executable that has no dependencies to the NAOqi framework. The benefits are a safer operation of the Nao on code crashes (NaoSMAL will continue to run and ensures the robot will go in a stable position), faster redeploy of our binary without restarting NAOqi and a faster compilation since we have fewer dependencies.

Platform Interface

In order to integrate different platforms, our project is divided into two parts: a platform independent one and platform specific one. The platform specific part contains code which is applied to the particular robot platform. We support the Nao hardware platform, the SimSpark simulator[^2] and a logfile based simulator. While the platform specific part is a technical abstraction layer the platform independent part is responsible for implementing the actual algorithms. Both parts are connected by the platform interface, which transfers data between the platform independent and specific part Platform Interface is responsible for data transfer and execution of
the Cognition and Motion

Module framework

Our module framework is based on a blackboard architecture. The framework consists of the following basic components:

Representation: objects carrying data and simple manipulation functions

Blackboard: container storing representations as information units

Module: executable unit, has access to the blackboard and can read and write representations

Module Manager: manage the execution of the modules

Overview about the different components of the module framework.

The above figure describes the interaction between these components. A module may require a representation, in this case it has read-only access to it. A module provides a representation, if it has write access. In our design we consider only sequential execution of the modules, thus there is there is no necessity for handling concurrent access to the blackboard. We decide which representation is required or provided during compilation time. Different modules can implement similar functionality and provide the same representations. You can configure which of the modules should be executed at runtime and it is also possible to dynamically change this for debugging purposes.

Example module

A module is a C++ class which inherits a base class which is created with the help of some macros defining the interface of the the module.

#ifndef _MyModule_H
#define _MyModule_H

#include <ModuleFramework/Module.h>
#include <Representations/DataA.h>
#include <Representations/DataB.h>


class MyModule: public MyModuleBase

 virtual void execute();

#endif  /* _MyModule_H */

The MyModule class inherits the MyModuleBase class which was defined with the BEGIN_DECLARE_MODULE macro. Each representation which is needed by the module is either declared as provided or required with the corresponding macro. After declaring a representation it is accessible with a getter function, which has the name of the representation prefixed with "get', e.g. getDataA() for the representation DataA. The actual implementation of the functionality of a module must be in the execute() function.

#include "MyModule.h"

  // initialize some stuff here

  // clean some stuff here

void MyModule::execute()
  // do some stuff here
  getDataB().x = getDataA().y + 1;

A representation can be any C++ class, it does not need to inherit any special parent class.

class DataA

  int y;

class DataB

  int x;

A module must be registered in the cognition process by including it in the file NaoTHSoccer/Source/Core/Cognition/Cognition.cpp.

#include "Modules/Experiment/MyModule/MyModule.h"

In the init method add the line:


The order of registration defines the order of execution of the modules.


As described in the Section 2.3 the core of the program is structured in modules which are responsible for different tasks like image processing, world modeling etc.. The modules communicate with each other through the blackboard by writing their results to representations. The representations are mainly pieces of data and have no significant functionality. These representation can be made serializable, which is mainly used in two cases: logging to a file and sending over the network for debug or monitoring reasons.

The backbone of the serialization framework is formed by the Google Protocol Buffers[^3] (protobuf) library. For a representation to be serialized (which is described by a C++ class) an according protobuf message is defined. Please refer to the documentation page of protobuf for more details on this part. The serialization procedure is then performed in two steps: first the data is copied from the object which is to be serialized to the according message object; in the second step the message object is serialized by a protobuf serializer to a byte stream. The deserialization process works in reverse order. The second step is entirely done by the protobuf library. The copy procedure in the first step, however, has to be defined explicitly. This procedure is described in the serialize() and deserialize() functions of the template class Serializer which has to be specified for each representation to be serialized.

The following listings illustrate the whole code necessary for serialization of a representation. Listing [lst:rep_h]{reference-type="ref" reference="lst:rep_h"} shows the header file MyRepresentation.h containing the declaration of the representation class DataA and the according specialization of the serializer Serializer<DataA>. Listing [lst:proto]{reference-type="ref" reference="lst:proto"} contains the probobuf message for DataA. Listing [lst:rep_cpp]{reference-type="ref" reference="lst:rep_cpp"} illustrates the implementation of the serialization functions in the file MyRepresentation.cpp.

#include <Tools/DataStructures/Serializer.h>

class DataA

  int y;
  double time;

namespace naoth {
class Serializer<DataA>
  static void serialize(const DataA& representation, std::ostream& stream);
  static void deserialize(std::istream& stream, DataA& representation);
package mymessages;

message DataA {
  required double time = 1;
  required int32 y = 2;
#include "MyRepresentation.h"
#include "Messages/mymessages.pb.h"
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>

using namespace naoth;

void Serializer<DataA>::serialize(const DataA& data, std::ostream& stream)
  // create a new message
  messages::DataA msg;

  // copy data from the representation to the message

  // serialize the message to stream
  google::protobuf::io::OstreamOutputStream buf(&stream);

void Serializer<DataA>::deserialize(std::istream& stream, DataA& data)
  // create a new message
  messages::DataA msg;

  // decerialize the message from stream
  google::protobuf::io::IstreamInputStream buf(&stream);

  // copy data from the message to the data
  data.y = msg.y();
  data.time = msg.time();